Friday, July 21, 2006

Part 2 of yesterday's trip.
Photos :)
Ha ha ha.

The clown of 3/6 (:

Mrs Catherine YEO!!
C.M of 3/6 :D :D

Percival & Yamashita.

Look at that POW!
Reduced to skin & bones xD

Banana notes.

Wedding dress!
Sort of creepy huh?

Me with uhh..

1 extra guy from 3/7 in the picture :/


We got back our test papers!
& I passed!! I seriously seriously thought that I would fail.
Cos I did the paper with a bad mood can.
I think I got third or fourth.
Although I didnt get first, Im still happy! :D :D
Met up with our clients for our EOYE project at 1010.
His name is Darius Chin from 1/8.
The first impression I got was..
He's quite okay lah.
People said he's cute,
Hope I will do well for my EOYE FNN exam :D

my class has gone completely gaga over Aikido.
Yes, 3/6.
Everyone, mostly the guys,
kept locking each other.
Now, Pf & sissy are doing it too.
I "hate" it cos I have to be their "dummy".
My wrists hurt can?
Ha ha ha.

SISSY made me so embarassed.
She wanted to twist & lock my arms after school today
She particularly chose that time cos no one was around.
So I ran out of the class, screaming,
"dont make me lah!!"
I thought nobody was outside, so I laughed.
How would I know?
He & his RC friend looked & gave me a surprised look.
Made me so paiseh.

Fazly: hi
Fazly: 2dae training suck
ME: yah lo
ME: najibu v biased towards gg
Fazly: i dun like singing national anthem part
ME: same!!

So true lah.
Clement came & said,
"Heres a msg from Najibu, Stop fidgeting!!"
I was standing at the back,
& I didnt see anyone fidgeting nor moving.
Clement's nice :D :D
& yes, about the singing the national anthem.
It really sucks,
we have to sing real loud,
without smiling, laughing, nor showing our teeth.
& again,
Clement helped us & encouraged us (:

I sang Personal.
Its a Japanese song,
SISSY said I was mad.

Everyone is afraid, even though we dont show it.
Is that why we dream?
Everyone feels lonely on the inside
Is that why we look for love?
Even though you are not here
I know that where ever you are
You are gazing up,
at the same moon as me..

I hope everything goes well :D

it still stays fresh on my mind.
i cant forget it either..
can you?

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